Male Menopause

Menopause: Understanding the changes that affect men's health and well-being

Our bodies go through a number of changes during different stages of our lives. One of the important transitions for men is often overlooked: menopause, also known as Andropause. Similar to the menopausal experience in women, menopause represents a period of hormonal transitions and changes that affect physical and emotional health. This guide provides all the information you need to know about menopause in men, its symptoms and available treatment options.

Understanding menopause in men (andropause)

What is meant by menopause in men?

Menopause refers to the gradual decline in testosterone levels that usually begins to decline from the late 30s to the early 50s. Testosterone is considered one of the essential hormones responsible for various body functions, including maintaining muscle mass, bone density, sexual desire, and regulating mood.

The truth about menopause in men (andropause):

Unlike female menopause, there is no set date or starting point for “male menopause.”

Signs and symptoms of menopause in men

Similar to the symptoms that women experience during menopause, men may also experience some signs that indicate hormonal changes associated with andropause. Here are some of the common symptoms you should pay attention to:

Low sexual desire: Low sexual desire or drive is one of the characteristic symptoms of menopause in men. Men’s sexual interest may be less than it was in their younger years.

Fatigue and low energy: Feeling tired or low in energy even though the man is getting adequate rest is another common symptom for those suffering from menopause. This fatigue may affect daily activities and overall quality of life.

Mood changes: Hormonal fluctuations during andropause can cause mood swings, as a man becomes easily irritable and experiences feelings of depression or anxiety for no apparent reason. Men may find it difficult to regulate their emotions effectively.

Erectile dysfunction: Testosterone level changes can negatively affect erectile function, leading to difficulties achieving or maintaining it during sexual activity.

Decreased muscle mass and muscle strength: Testosterone plays an important role in maintaining muscle mass and strength. Men experiencing menopause may notice a gradual decline in muscle mass and overall physical strength.

Weight gain: Changing hormone levels can affect metabolism and fat distribution, leading to weight gain, especially in the area around the abdomen.

Sleep disturbances: Some men may suffer from sleep disturbances, including difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night, which may exacerbate feelings of fatigue and low energy levels.

Steps to follow if you suffer from menopausal symptoms in men

If you feel any of the symptoms associated with low testosterone levels, it is important to take action. The first step is to be aware of the accompanying signs and symptoms and book an appointment with a specialist doctor. You can enlist the expertise of board-certified urologists at HealthPlus’ Ho Men’s Health Clinic, who can help you treat problems you suffer from, such as low testosterone levels associated with menopause.

The specialist doctor conducts a comprehensive evaluation that includes taking a detailed medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests. These tests can evaluate various factors, such as free and total testosterone levels, pituitary hormone levels, thyroid function, blood analysis, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test (a blood test primarily used to detect prostate cancer), and liver and kidney function.

After the evaluation, your doctor sits with you to discuss the potential risks and benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. Knowing that there are many methods available, including injection therapy, topical gel, subcutaneous cell transplantation, and natural supplements. However, it is important to note that testosterone replacement therapy may not always be the best solution. As men’s health specialists, we can also suggest other approaches to help improve your health, such as dietary changes, exercise and lifestyle modifications.

We cannot deny the fact that menopause is a natural stage of aging, but you can resort to available treatment options that help you manage its symptoms and improve your overall health.

Here are some strategies to consider:

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) involves supplementing hormone levels through injections, patches, gel, or pellet implants. This treatment may help relieve symptoms such as low sexual desire, fatigue, and mood changes.

Lifestyle modifications: Making healthy lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, managing stress levels, and getting enough sleep, may have a positive impact on hormone levels and overall well-being.

Counseling and support: Seeking counseling or therapy can be helpful for men experiencing emotional or psychological symptoms associated with male menopause. Talking with a mental health professional may help individuals cope with mood changes and improve their overall mental health.

Medications: In some cases, medications may be prescribed to treat specific symptoms of andropause, such as erectile dysfunction or depression.

Why do we advise you to choose our clinic?

HealthPlus Fertility Center’s Ho Men’s Health Clinic takes a personalized, proactive approach to menopause, focusing on preventative care to address emerging issues before they escalate. Our specialists place special importance on early detection and intervention, and conduct comprehensive assessments to identify hormonal imbalances and potential health risks. By addressing concerns at their onset, we seek to prevent complications and improve overall well-being.

Whether it is through hormone replacement therapy, lifestyle modification or tailored interventions, we emphasize our commitment to guiding men through this transition with world-class personalized healthcare.


Understanding and recognizing the changes associated with menopause is the first step towards effectively managing the symptoms of this stage and improving the quality of life during it. Therefore, staying informed, seeking advice and support from experienced men’s health professionals, and learning about appropriate treatment options will enable men to navigate this transition with confidence and resilience.

If you are experiencing menopausal symptoms or have concerns about your hormonal health, do not hesitate to contact us for advice and support.
Book an appointment by calling (600 503035) or visiting the website:

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