Understanding Male Fertility

Opening new horizons for understanding male fertility

When it comes to fertility, the focus is often on women’s reproductive health without mentioning men’s health and its equally important role in pregnancy and fertility rates. In this guide we explore some of the common health problems men experience related to fertility, highlighting the factors that influence reproductive success and family planning.

The importance of men's health in fertility rates

Before delving into the related health issues in men, let us emphasize the vital role of men in the pregnancy process. Healthy sperm are necessary to fertilize the egg and achieve pregnancy. Fertility results are affected by various factors, such as the number of sperm, their motility (ability to swim), shape, and quality. For this reason, addressing health concerns in men is crucial to improving fertility and increasing the odds of a successful pregnancy.

Did you know...

About 7% of men suffer from infertility, and 50% of marital fertility problems are due to factors related to the man.

Below are some common health problems among men that affect fertility

Low sperm count: It is considered one of the main factors that contribute to male infertility. This condition, known as oligospermia, occurs when the concentration of sperm in the semen is below the level required to successfully fertilize an egg. Various factors, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, lifestyle choices and environmental factors, can contribute to low sperm count.

Poor sperm motility: Sperm motility refers to its ability to swim effectively towards the egg to fertilize it. Reduced sperm motility may hinder their ability to reach and penetrate the egg, which ultimately affects fertility. Sperm movement is also affected by other factors such as exposure to heat, obesity, smoking, and taking certain medications.

Abnormal sperm shape: The term morphology refers to the shape, size, and structure of sperm cells. Deformities in the shape of sperm may affect their ability to penetrate and fertilize an egg. While some degrees of abnormalities are common; However, severe deformities may impair fertility.

Erectile dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition characterized by difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. This condition can affect fertility by impairing the ability to engage in sexual activity and deliver sperm into a woman’s reproductive system. Among the causes that lead to erectile dysfunction are problems with blood vessels, hormonal imbalances, psychological factors, and wrong lifestyle habits.

Varicocele: It is a swelling that affects the veins inside the scrotum, similar to varicose veins that affect the legs. Varicocele may disrupt the normal function of the testicle, impairing its ability to produce sperm and its quality. It is worth noting that some types of varicocele may not affect fertility, but others may require therapeutic intervention to improve reproductive results.

What are the causes of infertility in men?

Men become infertile due to a number of problems, including decreased sperm production, malfunctioning of sperm, or obstruction of sperm delivery. Infertility in men can also be caused by health conditions, injuries or chronic diseases, as well as lifestyle choices and other aspects.

When does a doctor's consultation become mandatory?

It is recommended to consult a doctor if pregnancy does not occur after a year of regular intercourse without a condom, or before that if:
    • You suffer from problems with erection or ejaculation, decreased libido, or other problems with sexual ability
    • You feel pain, discomfort, or lumps or swelling in the testicles area
    • You have a history of testicle, prostate, or sexual problems
    • Had surgery on the groin, penis, testicles or scrotum
    • The wife was over 35 years old

A proactive approach to diagnosis and treatment is extremely important when dealing with male infertility. A man may feel an urgent need to determine the cause of infertility and explore different options to restore the ability to reproduce.

Despite the challenges they face, men have the opportunity to receive support and empowerment throughout their infertility journey. Also, resorting to medical advice and communicating with your life partner freely and openly, all of these factors help the man obtain psychological support resources to deal with this sensitive situation. Ultimately, treating male infertility requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account the physical and psychological aspects of reproductive health.

Howa Men’s Health Clinic’s interests are not limited to the health conditions mentioned above, but rather include a wide range of areas related to men’s health. We have extensive experience in treating problems such as prostate health, sexual dysfunction, and hormonal imbalance, in addition to providing specialized health care to meet the various health needs of men.

We are committed to providing a supportive environment that enables men to reach optimal levels of health and well-being by providing comprehensive health care tailored to each individual’s needs.

Treating men's health problems to improve fertility

Fortunately, many health issues affecting male fertility can be treated through lifestyle modifications, medical interventions, and fertility treatments. Below we review some strategies to consider:

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle:
Encouraging healthy habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet rich in nutrients, adequate hydration, avoiding all types of smoking and excessive alcohol, and staying away from the use of stimulants and drugs. Maintaining a healthy weight and managing stress levels also contributes to supporting overall reproductive health.

Request a Medical Evaluation: If you are experiencing fertility challenges or have concerns about your reproductive health, do not hesitate to consult a health care provider who specializes in male fertility. A comprehensive evaluation, including a physical examination, semen analysis, hormonal tests, and imaging, can help identify underlying problems and guide treatment decisions.

Fertility treatments: Depending on the fertility issues identified on screening, different treatment options may be available to improve reproductive outcomes. These treatments may include assisted reproductive techniques (ART) such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF), as well as surgical interventions to address anatomical abnormalities or hormonal imbalances.

Supportive treatments: Some complementary treatments, such as acupuncture, herbal supplements and lifestyle modifications, may complement traditional fertility treatments and may support overall reproductive health. However, it is important to discuss these options with your healthcare provider to make sure they are safe and appropriate for your individual needs.

Hurry today to take your first bold steps towards improving your health by scheduling a consultation at our clinic.
Book an appointment by calling (600 503035) or visiting the website: https://healthplusivf.com/.

Empowering men's health to enhance fertility

By understanding common fertility issues in men and taking proactive steps to address them, they can contribute to improving their reproductive health and increasing their chances of getting pregnant. Every man should prioritize his health and strive to build the family of his dreams. To achieve this, some men need a medical evaluation or assistance to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors or learn about available fertility treatments.

We cannot lose sight of the fact that fertility is a shared journey; Both partners must communicate, provide mutual support, and cooperate with each other to make decisions to overcome challenges and achieve success with regard to fertility and childbearing. Be a pioneer of change and take the initiative to strive towards empowering men’s physical and psychological health, promoting a future full of happiness, and achieving the dream of fatherhood.

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